Review – SleekLens Wedding Presets



I have been using Sleeklens Wedding presets for the last few days and I came up with some conclusions about them. First I noticed a significant decrease on the time I usually spend retouching one photo. The presets are actually very helpfull because when applied they are spot on and most of the times we don’t need change settings to finish the Photo. According to my experience with other presets I almost always needed to tweak a little to achieve my objective towards one photo and it took me much more time. The brushes are also very handy when it comes to fine tune in some photos. Minor adjustments are essencial and in many cases I felt no need to use photoshop because of these new tools. Absolute time saver for me. In the end I got the job done spending 15% less time. For one job it may not seem that much but after one year retouching photos it will look a lot more. The workflow is very nicely divided through the presets list. You can start correting one photo by following the presets list and in the end get surprised on how much better it will look and how easy and fast it was

For me the less positive question about Sleeklens Wedding presets is the fact that they don’t have that airy and pastel look options that I sometimes love. For my style they is very important to have some of these. I hope they can read this and try do find some more options.

Great price and very helpful set of presets I would recommend for sure. Just follow the link to know a little more about them.

Here come some photos retouched with this workflow.


Fotografo de casamento no Porto, Porto wedding photographer Fotografo de casamento no Porto, Porto wedding photographer Fotografo de casamento no Porto, Porto wedding photographer


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